Elara Paxton

What Happened To Cleopatra’s Children

Cleopatra’s name has gone down in history as one of the most seductive, powerful, and beautiful women of her time. 

She was the last active ruler of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt – not the old forgotten dynasty 5000 years ago, but rather a modern land contemporary and equal in power and style to the Romans. 

It was after the death of this phenomenal ruler that Egypt became a part of the Roman Empire – now the question is, what happened to Cleopatra’s children?

The Life Of The Legendary Queen

Cleopatra VII Thea Philopator was the daughter of a Macedonian Greek general, Ptolemy I Soter, who was the general of Alexander the Great and later became the founder of the kingdom of Egypt. Historians have praised this Queen for her wit, charm, and dedication – she was the only Ptolemy ruler to speak the Egyptian language fluently.

After the death of their father in 51 BC, Cleopatra and her brother Ptolemy XIII Theos – who was also her consort and partner – began ruling the provinces of Egypt together. The historical civil war spread at this time, during which Cleopatra met the Roman dictator Julius Caesar. After his death, she found her lover in Mark Antony.

Cleopatra had four children – Caesarion, Cleopatra Selene, Alexander Helios, and Ptolemy Philadelphus.

The First Child: Caesarion

Cleopatra named her first son Ptolemy Philopator Philometor Caesar after the name of the man with whom she had conceived him. He was the joint ruler of Egypt by the age of 3, and in Rome, he was known as Caesarion or “Little Caesar.” 

In the writings of Suetonius, it is mentioned that this child was very much in looks and behavior like Julius Caesar himself. After his father’s death, Mark Antony declared him the true Son of Julius Caesar as opposed to Caesar Augustus, whom the dictator had adopted. 

Caesarion had to fight Caesar Augustus in the battle of Actium, where he was murdered by his adopted brother at the age of 13, within two weeks of Cleopatra’s death. He was the only biological son of Julius Caesar.

The Life Of Cleopatra Selene

Like Cleopatra VII, she was a rightful princess of the Ptolemaic Kingdom who ruled three regions of her time as Queen – Numidia, Mauretania, and Cyrenaica as the Queen consort to the ruler. 

Cleopatra Selene II was born to Cleopatra and Mark Antony in 40 BC. She was made into the Queen of Cyrenaica and Libya through the donations of Antioch and Alexandria.

She was married to Juba II, the ruler of Numidia and Mauretania. She was a peaceful and influential queen, with her main focus being on trade, commerce, and development. Both the regions improved a lot during her reign and until she died in 5 BC at the age of 34. They both had a son, the king Ptolemy of Mauretania. 

Who Was Alexander Helios 

Alexander was born to Antony and Cleopatra as the fraternal twin of Selene II. His name combines the words ‘Alexander The Great’ and ‘Helios,’ which means son in Greek. Antony made him the ruler of Armenia, Media, and Parthia. In 33 BC, he was engaged to a princess of Media. But the same here. His parents committed suicide as Caesar Augustus approached them. 

Alexander, Selene, and Ptolemy Philadelphus were captured by Augustus, who gave them to her sister, Octavia Minor, the first wife of Mark Antony. Surprisingly, she loved and educated all these children as her own. 

The records of that time state that after bringing Alexander and his siblings to Rome, Augustus made them walk down the city with an effigy of dying Cleopatra paraded over their heads, a snake biting her in the image. After this, Alexander completely disappeared from history, and no one knows what became of him. 

The Third Child: Ptolemy Philadelphus

At the age of 2, Ptolemy Philadelphus attended the Donations of Alexandria, where his father, Mark Antony, proclaimed him the King of Syria and Asia Minor. When Augustus invaded Alexandria, the third son of this bloodline was only six years old and was taken straight to Palatine Hill in Rome. 

Similar to the fate of his older brother, Ptolemy completely disappeared from historical accounts after he arrived in Rome. Some records from the time do state that Augustus tried to kill both him and Alexander Helios after he became the Roman Emperor. Still, modern historians rarely seem to believe this.

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Elara Paxton, an acclaimed journalist, has made her mark by peeling back the glossy layers of celebrity life. With an uncanny ability to uncover the personal stories behind the public facades, Paxton's writing provides a profound look into the lives of renowned figures. Her commitment to honest and empathetic reporting has redefined celebrity journalism, shedding light on the human experiences often hidden from the spotlight.

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